NABCO: Feed Ghana Interview, All Questions and Answers
Please check regularly. We will update with more questions and answers for interviews on the Feed Ghana Module.

Probably one of the least applied for modules, the Feed Ghana Module is for Graduates with certificates, diplomas and degrees in agricultural disciplines and food sciences.
The Interview for Feed Ghana applicants starts from Tuesday, 3rd July 2018 and ends on Friday, 6th July 2018.
Today, we take a look at questions that will be coming up at the interview and their answers. Also note that this list is updated daily, so check back for more questions and share with your friends.
About the Feed Ghana Module
Agriculture is central to Ghana’s transformation agenda. Across the agricultural value-chain, therefore, NABCO trainees could be made valuable in the delivery of crucial services required for increased productivity.
Trained Agricultural extension and other allied workers in the “Feed Ghana” programme will provide extensive support to farmers.
E-agriculture and the dissemination of scientific knowledge, mechanization centres, and seed and fertilizer programmes, the District Centres for Agricultural Transformation, District Warehouse and logistical management, offer immediate pointers for engagement of NABCO personnel.
The Ministry of Food and Agriculture with the complement of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development are the lead enablers of this NABCO enrichment module. In addition to the private agribusiness component, this has shown a potential to absorb over 20,000 trainees.
Feed Ghana Direct Questions
What food crops are mainly grown in Ghana?
The main food crops grown in Ghana are maize, yams, cassava, and, to a lesser extent, sorghum, and millet.
What are the roles of Agric Extension Officers in Ghana?
Agric Extension Officers in Ghana are under the Directorate of Agricultural Extension Services of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. They plan educational sessions as well as deliver technical materials on agricultural technologies to farmers across the country.
General Feed Ghana Questions
What is the role of technology in Agriculture?
Technology has played a big role in developing the agricultural industry. For example, plants have been engineered to survive in drought conditions through genetic engineering. Also farm tools and equipments have been greatly improved upon over the years.
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What is a Cash Crop?
A cash crop or profit crop is an agricultural crop which is grown for sale to return a profit.
What problems on a farm have you encountered before?
When I was in my late teens, right after Senior High School, I spent my vacation with my Auntie on her cocoa in the Asikuma Odoben Brakwa of the Central Region.
One problem I faced while there was the inability to communicate effectively with her on my daily tasks on the farm.
Problems arise daily on any farm, how do you handle day-to-day problems?
Most farm problems arise from the lack of communication or from the lack of expertise. When there are a lot of people working on the farm, there has to be a clear hierarchy and reporting system.
Also, the right tools and techniques need to be made available. This will not only prevent a lot of the problems but will also help to solve already existing ones.
Tell us about a time when you were particularly effective at prioritizing tasks and completing a project on schedule.
While I was in the University of Development Studies, I helped the family of one of my mates to work on their farm by collecting farm data and helping them plan when to sow their seeds.
During one of these times, I had my final exams coming through. I managed to study for the exams and eventually pass, while also helping at the farm, by scheduling my time so that I did more group studies and therefore spent less time to learn while gaining the knowledge faster.
What qualities do you believe are most valuable for a team lead to possessing?
- Dedicated
- Willing to dedicate duties
- Intelligent
- Organised
- Influential
- Fair and Kind
- Respectful
- Good Communicator
What is crop rotation
Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar or different types of crops in the same area in sequenced seasons. It helps in reducing soil erosion and increases soil fertility and crop yield.
What is arable farming
The kind of farming that requires that the land is ploughed and used to grow crops. Arable farming involves growing crops such as wheat and barley rather than keeping animals or growing fruit and vegetables.
What is the name of the immediate past COCOBOD boss
The immediate past CEO of COCOBOD is Stephen Kwabena Opuni
Which country is the leading producer of cocoa in Africa?
Cote D’Ivoire.
West Africa collectively supplies two-thirds of the world’s cocoa crop, with Ivory Coast leading production at 1.8 million tonnes as of 2017, and nearby Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Togo producing additional 1.55 million tonnes.
Define buffer stock
This refers to a reserve of a commodity or produces that can be used to offset price fluctuations.
What do you know about the Ministry of Food and Agriculture?
The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) is the lead agency and focal point of the Government of Ghana, responsible for developing and executing policies and strategies for the agriculture sector within the context of a coordinated national socio-economic growth and development agenda.
By means of a sector-wide approach, the Ministry’s plans and programmes are developed, coordinated and implemented through policy and strategy frameworks.
The vision of the Ministry is a modernised agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy and evident in food security, employment opportunities and reduced poverty.
Other NABCO Articles:
NABCO Interviews: Questions and How to Pass for all Modules
NABCO: Updated Information on Interviews and Full Recruitment
Leaked: The 5 NABCO Interview Questions on the sheet and their answers
NABCO: Revenue Ghana Interview, All Questions and Answers
NABCO: Feed Ghana Interview, All Questions and Answers
Who is the minister of Food and Agriculture?
Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto
Name some projects of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Afram Plains District Agric. Dev’t Project
- Export Marketing & Quality Awareness
- Inland Valley Rice Development Project Rice Sector Support Project
- Nerica Rice Dissemination Project (NDRP)
- Sustainable Development of Rain-Fed Lowland Rice Production Project
- Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP)
General NABCo Questions
Please tell us something about yourself
My name is Francis Labadie. I graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with a second class lower division in 2015. Between that time and now, I have successfully completed my National Service, where I served as the District NASPA Secretary.
I possess a strong sense of dedication to every work I do and I am most passionate about my country Ghana and helping it to become better.
What do you know about NABCO?
This question seeks to find out how much you know about the programme.
The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) programme is a government initiative to address graduate unemployment to solve social problems.
The focus of the initiative will be solving public service delivery in health, education, agriculture, technology, governance and drive revenue mobilization and collection.
Government is seeking to employ 100,000 graduates in solving public service delivery in health, education, agriculture, technology, governance and drive revenue mobilization and collection. All trainees will be paid a monthly stipend of GHS 700.
You can continue by stating the objectives of the programme:
- Provide temporary employment to unemployed graduates
- Improve skills and employability for the transition from programme to permanent employment
- Improve public service delivery
- Improve government revenue mobilization
- To provide needed infrastructure to improve access to basic public services
What do you expect to gain out of this temporary role?
Let them know you are not in for the money but for skills as well.
From the NABCO website, it is clear that the programme will take 3 years. I also understand that during the time, I will gain skills and experience, and I am very interested in getting those, especially as I look forward to getting fully employed in the future.
What has your Job Search Experience been like?
Be truthful and tell them about some problems you faced while getting employed if any.
After completing the University of Ghana, I had my National Service in the Central Region. It has been difficult getting a job even though I adopted both online and offline searches. Therefore, when I heard about NABCO, I decided to apply as I will not only be working, but I will also gain skills.
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