NABCO: Digitise Ghana Interview, All Questions and Answers
You can ask your questions in the comments and we will answer them.

Interview for Digitise Ghana Module is starting soon.
Here are some questions to expect and how to answer them. Have some suggestions or want to share some questions you were asked? Leave them in the comments section below.
About the Digitise Ghana Module
This module offers an opportunity for the delivery of a number of flagship initiatives:
- National Identification scheme, Digital Addresses for every location in Ghana
- Land Title and Land Administration (the Land Administration Project for example)
- Health and Safety monitoring solutions in our industrialization drive (e.g. mines, factories, oil and gas)
- Standardize Ghana (Ghana Standards Authority)
- Archival and digitization at Registrar-Generals Department, Birth and Death Registry, Passport Application Centres
- Research, monitoring and evaluation hubs within Development Authorities to assist in recording and tracking progress of both the user sectors and projects, as well as the progress of NABCO personnel.
This latter point holds immense potential for knowing the impact gained in the attempt to deal with the specific cohorts of graduates as they transition into regular and permanent employment. This multi-stakeholder platform has significant benefit for the Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation as a workforce solution in every sphere of the country.
Digitise Ghana Direct Questions
What do you know about GhanaPostGPS?
GhanaPostGPS is Ghana’s Digital Addressing System. It allows users to generate a 9 to 11 digit code to a point within a 5-meter square known as the digital address. It uses a grid of Ghana made up of approximately 16.1 billion addresses.
Is it possible to apply for a Ghana Passport Online?
Yes, you can apply for a Ghana Passport Online by visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website. After successfully completing the application, you would have to go to the Accra Passport Application Centre to have your biometric details taken.
What is data entry?
Data entry simple involves entering data or updating the already existing data into a computer system.
What do you know about the new Ghana Card?
TheGhana Card is meant to be the primary ID card that citizens will use to access all services in the country, including even travelling within the West African sub-region.
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It will be the only valid ID for application for a bank account, passport, telephone number, property acquisition, drivers license and much more. Click here to read more about Ghana Card.
Other NABCO Articles:
NABCO Interviews: Questions and How to Pass for all Modules
NABCO: Updated Information on Interviews and Full Recruitment
Leaked: The 5 NABCO Interview Questions on the sheet and their answers
NABCO: Revenue Ghana Interview, All Questions and Answers
General Digitise Ghana Questions
What is the difference between a computer and a typewriter?
A computer is more complex than a typewriter. It can do more than just type data. it can process this data into information and also be used to access the internet. However, a com[puter cannot print on its own without a printer.
A typewriter, on the other hand, is used to “instantly type and print” documents.
What are some of the importance of the internet?
There are numerous benefits of the internet. Here in Ghana, the internet is used for the following:
- Information, knowledge, and learning
- Address, mapping, and contact information
- Banking, bills, and shopping
- Selling and making money
- Bloggers and Online Forex people use the internet to make money
- Donations and funding can be facilitated via the internet
- Entertainment
Name a few projects by the Government that show that Ghana is embracing technology and digitalisation.
- GhanaPostGPS
- Online Passport Application
- New Ghana Card
- Ghana Ports Goes Paperless
- Ministry of Health Electronic Medical Records
- Mobile Money Interoperability
- Government Agencies Recruitment online
- Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS)
General NABCO Questions
Please tell us something about yourself
My name is Francis Babadie. I graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with a second class lower division in 2015. Between that time and now, I have successfully completed my National Service, where I served as the District NASPA Secretary. I possess a strong sense of dedication to every work I do and I am most passionate about my country Ghana and helping it to become better.
What do you know about NABCO?
This question seeks to find out how much you know about the programme.
The Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) programme is a government initiative to address graduate unemployment to solve social problems.
The focus of the initiative will be solving public service delivery in health, education, agriculture, technology, governance and drive revenue mobilization and collection.
Government is seeking to employ 100,000 graduates in solving public service delivery in health, education, agriculture, technology, governance and drive revenue mobilization and collection. All trainees will be paid a monthly stipend of GHS 700.
You can continue by stating the objectives of the programme:
- Provide temporary employment to unemployed graduates
- Improve skills and employability for the transition from programme to permanent employment
- Improve public service delivery
- Improve government revenue mobilization
- To provide needed infrastructure to improve access to basic public services
What do you expect to gain out of this temporary role?
Let them know you are not in for the money but for skills as well.
From the NABCO website, it is clear that the programme will take 3 years. I also understand that during the time, I will gain skills and experience, and I am very interested in getting those, especially as I look forward to getting fully employed in the future.
What has your Job Search Experience been like?
Be truthful and tell them about some problems you faced while getting employed if any.
After completing the University of Ghana, I had my National Service in the Central Region. It has been difficult getting a job even though I adopted both online and offline searches. Therefore, when I heard about NABCO, I decided to apply as I will not only be working, but I will also gain skills.
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Have some suggestions or want to share some questions you were asked? Do you have any questions that need answers?
Leave them in the comments section below.