Price of a Bag of Sachet (Pure) Water in Ghana

Sachet water, also known as pure water, is a popular commodity in Ghana. It is a small-sized plastic bag filled with treated water and sold at a very affordable price.

Sachet water is popular in Ghana because it is relatively affordable and easily accessible, and it is considered safe for consumption.

It is a common sight in Ghana to see people carrying sachet water and drinking it, even on the go.


The price of sachet water is considerably lower than that of bottled water, making it accessible to all, regardless of their income.

But, the price of sachet water in Ghana has been on the rise in recent months, and this has become a source of worry for many Ghanaians

This is due to the fact that sachet water has become an essential commodity for many Ghanaians, especially those in urban areas.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the price of sachet water in Ghana and the factors that have contributed to its increase.

Current Price of Sachet Water in Ghana

The current price of sachet water in Ghana varies depending on the region and the brand. A sachet of water in Ghana costs between GHp 0.30 to GHp 0.50.

A bag of sachet water cost around GHS 10 to GHS 15 depending on the brand and location you are purchasing from.

Factors that affect the price of Sachet Water in Ghana

1. Cost of raw materials

The prices of raw materials used in the production of sachet water are subject to increase in the market, which in turn affects the price of sachet water. When the cost of raw materials increases, the price of sachet water goes up.

2. Production costs

The production cost of sachet water include the cost of electricity, labor, and equipment used in the production process. When the cost of production goes up, the price of sachet water increases to cover these costs.

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3. Transportation costs

There cost of transporting sachet water from the production site to retail outlets and other distribution channels can be high. If the distance is long, the cost is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

4. Market demand

Sachet water producers can charge higher prices when the demand for sachet water goes high. When demand is low, the price of sachet water may decrease to encourage consumers to buy more.

5. Government regulations

The FDA has set standard for sachet water production companies that must be met by producers and retailers, which can increase the cost of production and ultimately result in higher prices for consumers.

6. Competition

When there are many sachet water producers in the market, they tend to compete on price, which can result in lower prices for consumers. When there are fewer producers, the producers can set higher prices.


Sachet water is gradually increasing in price and that is a greater worry to the people of Ghana because water suppose to a commodity that can be easily purchased.

The cost of production, availability of water, and government policies and taxes are some of the factors that influence the price of sachet water.

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