How to claim SSNIT benefit

Claiming SSNIT benefits in Ghana can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. But, with a little guidance, you can easily walk through the steps to get your benefits.

The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) is the government-run body responsible for administering the Social Security and National Insurance Scheme in Ghana. SSNIT administers the payment of retirement, disability, survivor and death benefits to eligible contributors. As a contributor, you are eligible to claim your benefits when certain conditions are met.

The scheme in Ghana was reformed by an Act of Parliament, Act 766 of 2008 and was implemented in January 2010 to replace all pension schemes in Ghana including Cap 30. In 2014, the National Pensions (Amendment) Act 883 was passed to amend portions of Act 766.


The primary duty of the Trust is to replace part of lost income of workers in
Ghana due to Old Age, Invalidity or Death of a member where dependents receive lump sum payment. It is also responsible for the payment of Emigration benefit to a non-Ghanaian member who is leaving Ghana permanently.

Types of SSNIT benefits

There are basically four types of benefits under the SSNIT scheme. They are;

  1. Superannuation Pension
  2. Invalidity Pension
  3. Survivors Lump Sum
  4. Emigration Benefit

How to qualify for SSNIT benefits

  1. Must be between 50 and 60 years to benefit.
  2. Must be a SSNIT contributor.
  3. Must posses a SSNIT card.

How to claim your SSNIT benefit

1. Make sure you’re an eligible contributor

To claim your SSNIT benefits, you must be an eligible contributor. This means that you must have made at least 10 monthly contributions in the last three years. If you are not an eligible contributor, your claim will be rejected.

2. Submit the required documents

Once you have established that you are an eligible contributor, you need to submit the required documents to SSNIT. These documents include a valid identification document (ID), proof of address, and a bank account statement.

3. Fill out the necessary forms

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You will also need to fill out the necessary forms to claim your SSNIT benefits. These forms include the SSNIT Benefit Claim Form and the SSNIT Medical Report Forms.

4. Submit your forms to SSNIT

Once you have completed your forms, you need to submit them to SSNIT. You can either submit them online or in person. If you submit them online, you will need to provide all of your contact information, as well as your bank account details.

5. Wait for your benefits to be processed

Once you have submitted your forms to SSNIT, you need to wait for your claim to be processed. It usually takes about 2-4 weeks for SSNIT to process your claim.

6. Get paid

SSNIT will advise you to collect your monthly pension at your bank

How to claim Old Age pension benefits

You must be at least 60 years old and have contributed a minimum of 180 months to qualify for this benefit.

Application process

  1. Submit your letter of retirement and Ghana Card to the nearest SSNIT office.
  2. A pension application form will be provided for you to fill.
  3. Provide your bank account details.
  4. Your monthly pension funds will be transferred to your bank.

How to claim Survivors lump sum benefits

This benefit is paid to the dependents of a pensioner who dies before 75 or retirement.

Documents needed

  1. Posters of the deceased.
  2. Burial permit.
  3. Birth certificate of deceased.

Application process

  1. Submit the required documents to the nearest SSNIT office.
  2. On receiving the application, SSNIT will call the nominated dependent to apply for benefits.
  3. The dependent must complete the form and submit to the SSNIT office.
  4. Attach the documents requested and the bank account details which you want the money to be transferred to.
  5. A photo identity card.
  6. The application will be processed
  7. The designated sum of money will be transferred to the nominated dependent’s bank account.

How to claim Emigration benefit

  1. You must a foreign contributor.
  2. You must be leaving Ghana permanently.

Documents required

  1. Emigration evidence in the form of a letter from employers.
  2. A photocopy of your traveling passport.
  3. A photocopy of the resident and work permit.
  4. A confirmation from your birth country.
  5. Official bank statement.

Application process

  1. Visit any nearest SSNIT office with the documents listed above.
  2. You will be provided with an application form.
  3. Complete the application form and submit it to the office.
  4. Your lump sum will be available for collection at your bank.

How to apply for Invalidity Pension

  1. Visit the nearest SSNIT Branch with a Medical report from a recognized Medical Practitioner certifying your incapacitation.
  2. You will be made to appear before a Medical Board for examination where the Medical Board confirms your incapacitation, you will obtain Social Security Application Forms from the Branch Office.
  3. Complete the forms and attach three (3) recent passport size photographs where applicable, let your employer endorse the forms.
  4. Submit your completed forms and photographs to the Office as early as possible.
  5. SSNIT will advise you to collect your monthly pension at a bank of your choice after processing the claim.

How to apply for Survivors’ benefit

Report the death of a member to the nearest
SSNIT Branch office with any two of the
following evidences of death including a letter
from the employer.

  1. Death Certificate
  2. Obituary/Poster
  3. Burial Permit
  4. Medical Certificate
  5. Funeral programme
  6. Affidavit from Chief of Village or Town on receiving information of the death of a

SSNIT will request the nominated dependant(s) to apply for the benefit. A dependant(s) may call at Office to collect, complete and submit an Application Form for the benefit.

What does SSNIT do?

  1. Register employers and workers.
  2. Collect contributions.
  3. Manage records on members.
  4. Invest the funds of the Scheme.
  5. Process and pay benefits to eligible members and nominated dependents.

Final words

Claiming SSNIT benefits in Ghana is not as intimidating as it may seem. With a little guidance and the right documents, you can easily walk through the process and get your benefits. So, make sure to follow the steps listed above to get your SSNIT benefits in Ghana.

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