How to Choose Courses for your University Education in Ghana

You have either gained admission into the University or are about to apply to one, and you are wondering which course to study.

Making a choice can be tricky, especially if you are ambidextrous. There are a few factors to consider to make the best decision, which you will not regret making.

There are many things to look out for and a few questions to ask yourself to arrive at a decision. We will take you through a few of them.


Perhaps at the end of this article, you will make a decision. Before that, if you have not decided on the University to apply to already, there is still time to inquire whether the University takes on the course you choose.

Here are a few things you should consider now

Your Interests

What are my interests? which subject have I been good at since I was a child? Which subject was I good at in high school? If I were asked to write a subject again, which one would I be sure to get an A in? The answer to these four questions should be synonymous.

You can’t say that you were good at everything English, but you will like to take on a Mathematics major in University because you will want to challenge yourself.

After you know where your interest is, knowing your entry requirement comes in, it is essential to know your field of expertise.

If you were a Science student in Senior High School, you would notice that whatever course you might decide to take in the University will need at least a credit score in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, for you to take the course.

Sometimes you may be able to divert, but you should have a perfect reason. Whatever your strength was in High School, build on it.

If you were good at English, Journalism, Media Studies, or Sociology would be good for you. Try not to divert from what you studied in Senior High School.

What type of jobs are available under this course?

Finding a job in Ghana in recent years has not been very easy. Even degree holders are finding it difficult. Many because of the course they read in school.

Finding jobs after reading specific courses can be challenging. If you decided to set up your own business, that is better.

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But always ask yourself how quick or easy can you get a job after graduating? And will the career be a sustainable source of income?

This is what makes some people divert courses. They know their interests, but they have questions like, “If I graduate, what kind of job will I do? Answer this question before selecting a course.

It is safe to say that there are career opportunities under every course you study at the University. It is just a little hard to find in today’s system.

Will this career pathway be relevant in the future?

Whichever course you select now will determine what kind of career pathway you choose. Will it be relevant in a few years to come? If it isn’t, what will you do about it?.

We are living in a computerized world nowadays. Things are not how they used to be two decades ago or a century ago. The world we live in is changing.

But what are some of the things that have changed with time, and which ones are still relevant? If you choose a course, choose one whose career opportunities will still be relevant in a few years to come, for instance, computer engineering, IT studies.

We all know that one that is going up with the changes in the world is Technology and knowledge of computer sciences, and so is Medicine, Business and more.

What are some of the world’s problems? In a few years to come, what would be done to solve them? Where do I put myself to benefit from these changes?

Research and Inquiries

Doing inquiries and research before taking on anything new is very important. Be inquisitive. Ask questions, go on the internet and search for various institutions that take on your chosen course.

Ask people who have been there, how it has been, what they are doing now, and what advice they can give you on that particular field of study.


Humans never stop studying. There are many things we do not know, many things we are yet to discover.

Follow your strengths and interests in selecting a course for school. There are many of them. Engineering, Science, Business, Arts and Humanities, Education, Medicine, Computer Science, and more.


This short article should help you arrive at a decision, but if you still have trouble choosing, there are career counselors to take you through a more comprehensive explanation and guide you to make the right decision.

Always try to study something you are good at, do not follow your friends, their interests and strengths are far different from yours. Choose a choice that your future self will thank you for.


Parents who are reading this article, do not impose on your child but help them make the right decisions.

Give them all the advice and watch what they do. If you see red flags, do not relent to point them out. Do not tell your child to study Medicine because that was what you did. Do not impose.

Leave a comment if you have any questions about what you have just read, and good luck!

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