How many hours from Accra to Kumasi

If you’re planning a road trip from Accra to Kumasi, you may be wondering how long the journey will take. After all, you want to ensure you have enough time to take in the sights and sounds of both cities, or perhaps even take a detour to explore some of the lesser-known gems in between.

The journey from Accra to Kumasi is mainly along the N1 road, which is a major highway that links both Ghanaian cities. It is well maintained and easy to drive on, making it a popular route for those travelling in Ghana.

How many hours from Accra to Kumasi

The total distance between Accra and Kumasi is approximately 200 kilometers, and the journey can take anywhere from two and a half to six hours. The exact time varies depending on the type of transport you use and the time of day you travel. Generally speaking, traveling during the day is the fastest and most convenient way to get from Accra to Kumasi.


Traveling by Road

The most popular way to travel from Accra to Kumasi is by bus. There are a variety of bus companies such as VIP Jeoun and Intercity STC that offer this route. If you’re travelling by bus, it can take anywhere between 4-5 hours, depending on the traffic and the number of stops the bus makes.

The average travel time also depends on the type of bus you use. For example, if you’re taking a VIP bus, you can expect to reach Kumasi in around 4 hours. Buses are affordable and offer a comfortable travel experience, so they are the preferred option for most travelers. Transport fare for bus is around GHS 95.

If you’re travelling by car, it takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to reach Kumasi from Accra. This estimated time assumes that you’re travelling on a clear day, with no traffic or other obstacles along the way.

You can also choose to rent a car for yourself for the journey if you don’t have a car of your own but wishes to drive by yourself.,, are few of the sites you can visit and request for a car drive to any destination of your choice.

Traveling by air

If you choose to fly, it only takes around an hour to reach Kumasi from Accra. However, this estimated time does not include the time you’ll need to spend at the airport, checking in and boarding your flight. One Way travel ticket is around $53, whiles Round Trip from Accra to Kumasi is around $106. Prices and availability are subject to change.

What is the distance between Accra and Kumasi?

Distance between Accra and Kumasi is 202 kilometers (125 miles). Driving distance from Accra to Kumasi is 255 kilometers (158 miles). Air is 202 km (125 miles).

How long does it take to travel from Accra to Kumasi by road?

The fastest trip from Accra to Kumasi by bus takes around 4 to 6 hours depending on the stops and traffic on road.

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What is the cost of transportation from Accra to Kumasi?

Intercity STC Coaches operates a bus from Accra to Kumasi once daily. Tickets cost GHS 100. A ticket from Kumasi to Accra using Jeoun bus is selling at GHS100. One Way flight ticket sells at $53 whiles return ticket sells at $106.

What is the best mode of transportation to use when traveling from Accra to Kumasi?

The most popular way to travel from Accra to Kumasi is by bus. If you’re travelling by bus, it can take anywhere between 4-5 hours, depending on the traffic and the number of stops the bus makes.

Can I rent a car or taxi for the trip from Accra to Kumasi?,, are few of the sites you can visit and request for a car drive to any destination of your choice.

Are there any direct flights from Accra to Kumasi?

The most popular airline flying from Accra to Kumasi is Africa World Airlines.

What are some interesting places to visit in Kumasi

  1. Kumasi Zoo
  2. Manhyia Palace Museum
  3. Kumasi Fort
  4. Kejetia Market
  5. Okomfo Anokye Sword Site
  6. Prempeh II Museum
  7. Baba Yara Sports Stadium


The total time it takes to travel from Accra to Kumasi is anywhere from two and a half to four and a half hours, depending on the type of transport you use. If you are looking for the most convenient and cheapest way to get from Accra to Kumasi, we recommend taking a bus. Alternatively, you can rent a car or take a flight, but these options are much more expensive.

No matter which type of transportation you choose, it’s important to plan your journey so that you can arrive at your destination safely and on time.

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