How long does it take for SSNIT to pay benefits

Do you know how long it takes for the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) in Ghana used to pay benefits? It’s a question that many of us have asked at one point or another. Knowing how long it takes to receive your SSNIT benefits is important so that you can plan your finances and retirement.

The amount of benefits you are eligible for depends on your age and any other factors, such as disability or years of service. SSNIT also considers your financial need and whether you are a public sector worker.


The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) is a statutory public Trust charged under the National Pensions Act, 2008 Act 766 with the administration of Ghana’s Basic National Social Security Scheme. Its mandate is to cater for the First Tier of the Three-Tier Pension Scheme. The Trust is currently the largest non-bank financial institution in Ghana.


The primary responsibility of the Trust is to replace part of lost income of workers in Ghana due to Old Age, Invalidity or Death of a member where dependants receive lump sum payment. It is also responsible for the payment of Emigration benefit to a non-Ghanaian member who is leaving Ghana permanently.

The Pension Scheme as administered by SSNIT has an active membership of over 1.6 million as at January, 2021 with over 226,000 pensioners who regularly receive their monthly pensions from SSNIT.

What does SSNIT do?

SSNIT has a primary duty to collect contributions to pay pensions and other benefits as they fall due. In carrying out this primary responsibility the Trust undertakes the following specific duties:
· Register all employers and issue them with unique Establishment Registration (ER)  numbers.

· Register all members and issue them with individual unique Social Security number and a Smart Card.

· Collect contributions of members and compile relevant data related to the contributions.

· Maintain and update personal and financial records on members.

· Process benefits for members as they fall due.

· Manage and invest the social security funds.

How is the Scheme financed?

The scheme is self-financing through the contributions of members and returns on the investments of the funds.  The new SSNIT Scheme (Act 766) is now referred to as the Basic National Pension Scheme (or Tier-1 Pension Fund).  It is a Defined-Benefit, partially funded scheme and uses a scaled-premium method of financing. It is financed through the combined contributions of the employees and employers as well as investment income. A significant portion of the benefits are derived from investment income.

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How long does it take for SSNIT to pay benefits

The answer to this question depends on the type of SSNIT benefits you are receiving, the amount of benefits you qualify for, and the current processing times

Generally speaking, it will take SSNIT around four to six weeks to process and pay out benefits. This time may vary, however, depending on a variety of factors.  SSNIT understands this and works hard to ensure that people do not have to wait too long for their benefits.

The most important factor in the length of time it takes for SSNIT to pay benefits is the accuracy of your application. Any mistakes or omissions on your application can result in delays. It is important to review the application carefully and make sure it is accurate before submitting it.

What delays your SSNIT benefit payment

  1. If there are any documents missing from your application, this can also delay the payment of benefits. If you are missing any documents, make sure you submit them as soon as possible.
  2. Another factor that can affect the length of time it takes for SSNIT to pay benefits is the number of applications they are processing. If there are a large number of applications, it can take longer for yours to be processed and paid.
  3. The payment of benefits can also be affected by the availability of funds. If the SSNIT is short on funds, your benefits may be delayed.

Who can be a member of the Scheme?

Every one can be a member. It is mandatory for employers to ensure that all workers in their employment are registered. Even if an organization employs one worker, that worker should be registered and contributions paid on his behalf. The only exceptions are:

  • Judges
  • Lecturers in the universities
  • Personnel in the security institutions

Self-employed persons can also join the scheme as voluntary contributors.

Final words

Knowing how long it takes for SSNIT to pay benefits is important so that you can plan your finances and retirement. With the right information and an understanding of the system, you can rest assured that your SSNIT benefits will be received in a timely manner.

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