Why NABCO January Stipend is delaying and when to expect payment
It has been over a month (exactly 35 days) since NABCO last paid the stipend/allowance and trainees are worried, still waiting for the money to be paid.
Sources close to the NABCO situation have said that the Allowance/Stipend for January for 87291 out of 99731 trainees is being credited.
The reason for the delay is that most of the trainees couldn’t get their November and December allowance due to their engagements with other state agencies needed to be cleared, those with name mismatch, wrong USN and double registration.
This trainees were asked to do the necessary corrections to enable NABCO pay them their money. This delayed the release of January allowance for those who received their November and December Allowance.
Because of this back and forth problems all Trainees were sent messages by NABCO to go to the NABCO portal and update their personal data to reflect what they have on their Ezwich accounts. This process also delayed the release of the allowance because NABCO didn’t want to continue the back and forth with similar issues of non payment due to trainees fault.
So out of 99731 trainees, only 87291 updates their information so they are the only ones who will receive their allowance because NABCO can’t keep waiting whiles trainees need their allowance.
12440 of the trainees will not get their allowance because they refused to update their information.
Payment for stipends are therefore likely to be paid by the ending of this week or early next week.