Well Done Coalition of NABCO Trainees, This is how to help the coalition do better
Before I start, let me state categorically that all this time, I am for the best interest of NABCO trainees, and as such, take no sides, when even trainees are doing something wrong.
Take the so-called coalition of NABCO Trainees who have given themselves positions which none of us trainees voted for.
They have been fighting for stipends to be paid and have managed to get Dr Anyars on various media outlets to answer questions.
That’s a good start. For a long time, the Media has ignored the cry of NABCO Trainees and it’s finally good to see CitiFM, PeaceFM and GHOne TV all talk about the NABCO Issue.
Let me state one thing again: The coalition should make sure, if and when Trainees show up for the demonstration, we will be safe.
Provide us with evidence that the police have granted permission and we will trust you.
I know the coalition is working on this, and the good thing is that they have started listening to us trainees directly.
In view of this, let us all help the coalition of NABCO trainees by filling this form:
Fill in your details and it will help them organise more.