Police says “no” to NABCO Demo as Serial Callers Threaten Regional reps

A new press release suggests that the Ghana Police has suspended the impending demonstration by the Coalition of NABCO Trainees.
Find the press release below:
Press Release
The Coalition of NABCO expresses Disappointment in the Regional Police Command for postponement of the Demonstration scheduled Friday,10th May 2019.
The Executive Body of the Coalition of NABCO Trainees by this communiqué expresses gross despondency and disappointment in the Greater Accra Regional Police command for a deliberate action to retard our scheduled demonstration and to frustrate the leadership of the Coalition to give up on this genuine course.
We explicitly state that the Command’s position in a letter served to the Coalition dated 7th May 2019 requesting further extension of the scheduled date for the demonstration on Friday, 10th May and request for Renotification on account of noncompliance of section1(1) of the Public Order Act 1994 (which States that any person who desire to hold any special event in the public place to notify the police not less than 5days before the event) is deliberate action to withhold the planned demonstration.
We will solidly state that there was a consensus Ad Idem and settlement between the command and coalition which resulted in rescheduling the date from Wednesday, 8th May to Friday, 10th May, and we very astonished the command is still entangling the coalition with the aforementioned Clause to forfeit the date as settled to hold the Demonstration on Friday,10th May 2019.
Below is the level of engagement between the coalition and the command:
- The coalition on Friday, 3rd May notified the police about its intention to reschedule the previous demonstration which was to take effect on Friday, 12th April 2019 but withheld on specified reasons. The coalition was requested to furnish the regional command official letter in accordance with the aforesaid Act.
- On Saturday, 4th May, the coalition through the National secretary sent a letter to the command and was informed the Regional Commander wasn’t available and should return the letter on Monday, 6st May.
- The coalition through the secretary diligently engaged the command on Monday, 6th May. The command then requested that Wednesday, 8th May fixed for the demonstration in the Renotification letter was earlier and recommended Friday, 10th May as good to hold the Action.
- The Secretary to the Coalition had to rush back and retype the letter to capture the recommended date and resubmitted it to the command who promised to communicate back to the coalition.
With regard to the above vigorous engagement of the Command, the Coalition is overwhelmingly surprised with the contrary position of the command requesting for another postponement and Renotification. We solemnly allege possible influence by powerful forces to impede Trainees from channelling our grievances.
We hereby notify all Trainees and the Public about this development and crave your understanding into the dynamics of leaders struggles to justify and assert our collective rights.
The leadership Today will engage the command to revise its decision but in any contrary case, we will immediately fix another date not exceeding mid of next week which will not only apparently mitigate the said clause deliberately used to cripple our activity but the defacto practise of our Freedom as Citizens of this Country.
Finally, it has come to the notice of the leadership of the Coalition of serial callers probing into the status of our Regional Reps, purporting and threatening to eliminate them from the scheme on the pending renewal of our contract.
We will admonish all executives to be courageous and unflinching in our positive quest of seeking parity, and betterment of all Trainees.
We have never involved in any illegitimate action, incitement or malicious naysayings to malign authorities or dent the image of this laudable initiative. There are a lot of blatant challenges and shortcomings which we earnestly demand stakeholders to address for the sanity of this initiative. Hence, the Coalition will not countenance any measure of intimidation or unjustifiably elimination of any executive from the scheme else this issue will purely degenerate to warfare and TRAINEES WILL ADVICE THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY.
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