Official Statement from NABCO: Work Starts on 1st November
Latest Update from NABCO. Placement will come anytime before then.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the inaugural ceremony. God richly bless you. Respectfully, let me bring to your attention a few issues of concern.
This stage is very critical and essential. NABCO trainees must be placed according to their preferred and chosen model.
This is different from NSS posting where personnel could be placed at any institution or organization in Ghana without considering his or her program or course offered in school.
This criterion must be religiously met to curb possible confusion. Placement has started with the MIP’s, declaring the vacant positions
NABCO trainees are to be placed in an institution or organization closer to their residence. Your application form that contains your District, Location and residence is examined in tandem with the stated requirement.
This will afford the Secretariat to facilitate its operations in a much more comprehensive manner.
This will again satisfy the corporate intention and cost-saving purposes. No trainee will be posted outside their preferred district.
We will continue to appeal to all NABCO trainees to exercise patience with the process.
In as much as we agree of the missed timelines, we sincerely apologize and wish to state that plans are far advanced to start work on 1st November 2018.
NABCO trainees are encouraged to always refer to their conditional letter of engagement and situate it as such.
Matters regarding your stipend is categorically stated with no ambiguity. The guidelines will surely be followed according to the laid down principles.
Your unflinching support for the program is always needed to make it a success. Words of doomsayers must not be tolerated.
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This may sometimes jeopardize our effort giving a glooming outlook, that’s never the case. Let us make this program workable and successful. A lot of sacrifices and hard work has gone into it.
Democratic dispensation always allows for free speech. In as much as we agree for open criticism, it’s prudent and fair that criticism is constructively put out rather than an insult.
A lot is expected from graduates and we must live up to the expectation. I have always advocated the platform administrators to always keep the platform open and active to fairly accept criticisms
It’s in this light, that a fruitful can exist and make NABCO an enviable institution. We shouldn’t shy away from divergent opinions for that will always strengthen our feedback of information.
Trainees who unnecessarily abuse the use of the platform must also be shown the exit to demonstrate equity and firmness.
Some NABCO trainees are genuinely on pending as a result of self-inflicted data input and this is not through the fault of NABCO Secretariat.
Steps are taken to rectify this anomaly that may have caused some delays.
Some NABCO trainees have complained of a change in the district through no fault of theirs.
The preferred chosen district would be strictly adhered to and NOT necessarily where you had your interview. Others have also witnessed a change of district to their preferred district.
The lists exhibited in Ga South is purely candidates who attended the interview in Ga South and not necessarily your preferred district.
As we are all privy to, this is an institution that’s meant to train, educate and assist our employable skills ready for the job market.
Our actions and inactions speak volume and contribute either positive or negative to the institution.
Let always continue to bear in mind of the key performance indicators, ie. Integrity, Knowledge and punctuality in perpetuity with or without NABCO.
As clearly stated in your conditional letter of engagement, NABCO trainee is required to be on probation with pay for 6 months for which the 2 quarter evaluations must be satisfied.
Those who will pass are then confirmed via the issuance of final appointment letters thus moving away from the conditional letter of engagement.
Finally, let all work hard to build the nation to the betterment of all regardless the challenges that us. NABCO National Secretariat will inform you of the next step in no time.
Be proud to say, you’re a nation builder.
I’m a Nation Builder!