NABCO Trainees to “scatter” May Day event in all regions after ultimatum expires

A press release from the Coalition of NABCO Coordinators seem to indicate that they are planning to boycott all May Day celebrations in the country.

Find the press release below:

No option than to Boycott MAYDAY

By this Communiqué, the Coalition urgently crave the indulgence of Trainees and sympathizers that ahead MAYDAY should be an opportunity to parade at the National Durbar ground to openly demonstrate our indignation, misgivings, frustrations, and abject hardship we the Nation Builders Corps are experiencing under this initiative.

However, remorsefully, we are very broke and might not afford fares to convey us from our various destinations amid the seeming government nonchalance in addressing our grievances within the 3days ultimatum which ends today 30th April, 2019.


All Trainees are passionately admonished to desist from forcibly registering their presence in any public gathering in that effect, however, All Trainees within proximity of the MAYDAY event may show up in their distressed conditions and demonstrate their frustrations lifting high PLACARDS for identification. The Vast Media Arena: social media platforms, FM and TV shows are available for Trainees to equally channel our sentiments.

The 3 days ultimatum ends Today and the schedule on our massive actions follows accordingly if our grievances remain untouched.

Demands in Our Petition

1. Equalize Trainees by paying all those with arrears backlogs dated back November, 2018.

2. Pay all Arrears due and Regularized stipends payment.

3. Place all unplaced Trainees.

4. Probe into all reported cases of infractions on Trainees at the district level and issue structures to stipulate and monitor a healthy and tiptop disciplinary relationship between Trainees and coordinators.

The Coalition would like to ardently add that, our demands must be fully addressed. We state emphatically that; in as much as April has ended, we demand full payment of all arrears that is; 
1. November – April
2. December – April 
3. January – April 
4. February – April 
5. March and April 
to satisfy our urgent demand for regularization of stipends to enable us plan and live comfortably on the scheme.

In fact it is very disgusting to see minor segment of trainees and leadership politicking the plights of Nabco Trainees amid this Prima facie cases of Trainees miseries and apparent infractions. Let’s collectively focus on the problems solving and desist from such hatchet jobs

In as much as we want all arrears to be paid, the Coalition would like to assure all trainees that after all arrears have been duly catered for, NaBco contract and mechanization of trainees in the various institutions will be equally addressed and given much attention.

All Trainees should kindly note that the positive quest of the Coalition dovetails into the apparent sentiments and collective welfare of all Trainees.

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