NABCO Trainees to Demo Planners – Produce Permission from Police so we can trust you

So the leadership of the so-called COALITION OF NABCO TRAINEES this time blaming for “not supporting” them and being a “bogus” news organisation.
This was in another not well thought communication they released.
One thing I want these supposed leaders to answer is which police they are talking to; and if they have permission, they should circulate a copy around like they have been circulating WhatsApp messages.
Notice, they keep changing the demonstration date, from Tuesday to Wednesday to Friday.
If you are still having conversations, why put out a day? Clearly these “leaders” don’t know what they are about.
Don’t trust or get involved in any NABCO demonstration if you don’t see any official report from the police. Don’t let the police beat you “for nothing”.
Find the statement below:
Important Communiqué
The leadership of COALITION OF NABCO TRAINEES wishes to urgently crave the core recognition of All Trainees and Sympathizers on the following important notices.
1. Please the DEMO DATE remains FRIDAY, 12th April, 2019. Let’s not contradict this arrangement with other contrary dates projected out there. It is not Tuesday nor any other date but FRIDAY, 12th April. Again, we wish to maintain an explicit position that it is only this Nation wide DEMO under the auspices and tutelage of COALITION OF NABCO TRAINEES, and we aren’t affiliated to any other DEMO schedules.
2. We wanna further toughen the confidence on Trainees that Organizers of this event are making all necessary arrangements with the police in conformity to Section1 of Public Order Act 1994(ACT 491). We request Trainees disregard all posts of uninformed bloggers like Bogus Asetenapa, which seek to incite fear, panic, intimidation or any manner of insecurity in Trainees through their crass propagated misinformation that there is no ongoing arrangement with the police. We are law abiding Nation Builders, well-cultured and nurtured with high moral aptitudes, deep intuition and descent composure.
3. We admonish fellow Trainees to disregard the recent publication by a group called COALITION OF COMMITTED NABCO TRAINEES. Irrespective of their disgrace to the general body of graduates with their very poor dictions, grammar and inarticulate facts, let’s see them as baby-bones of the groups yet to maliciously and hypocritically emanate to counteract our positive courses. COALITION OF NABCO TRAINEES are the True and Committed Nation Builders. We just need parity, fairness, probity and accountability.
Trainees are therefore requested to remain concentrated and unanimous to drum up their support over the upcoming exercise.
Our message is quite simple.
1.Pay us all unpaid allowances (from November to date) and
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2. Henceforth, we demand regular payment of our stipends. The finance minister made it clear in parliament that money for NABCO is fully assured and available. We also confirmed ¢600m reserved fund which can’t be exhausted within few months of irregular payments of stipends.
3. We demand all unplaced Trainees be equally placed as soon as possible.
We are by this communique calling on all members of NABCO nationwide and sympathisers to get prepared for the demonstration scheduled for 12th, April, Friday 2019. @8am
Stay safe, be wise, act like a graduate. Demand Accountability.