How to prepare Garden egg stew

Garden eggs are available all year round, but their peak season which is summer is when they taste the best and are more affordable. Their stew can be eaten at any time of the day depending on what you have at hand, so it is great to cook up a big batch and freeze half of it in meal sized portion if you want an easy meal later on when you are busy or tired from work.

Garden egg stew is one of the most common dishes in most households in Ghana, and most Ghanaians take pride in this dish as it gives off that traditional taste that many foreigners love to experience when visiting the country. The delicious recipe of garden egg stew makes it tastier and more nutritious.

How to prepare garden egg stew


  • 15 garden eggs (more or less)
  • 2 medium sized onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 ginger
  • Palm oil
  • Tomato paste
  • Curry powder
  • Salt

How to prepare

  1. Cut the top of the garden eggs, divide them into two halves.
  2. Put them in a cooking pot, add water and salt and put them on fire to boil for about 20 minutes.
  3. Set the boiled garden egg aside.
  4. Put another pot on fire to heat and pour in your palm oil and put in your big size sliced onion to fry for some time.
  5. Blend your garlic, sliced onion, ginger, tomatoes and pepper.
  6. Add the tomato paste to the frying onion, stir it and allow it to cook for about 2-3 minutes.
  7. Add your blended ingredients, stir it and allow it to heat for about 10minutes.
  8. Add the curry powder whiles the stew continues to heat.
  9. Whiles the stew heats, remove the seeds from the boiled garden egg. This part is optional as not everyone will want to remove the seeds.
  10. When done, cut the garden eggs into two and add them to the heating stew. Stir them till they become uniform.
  11. Lower the heat under the stew and allow the stew to heat whiles the garden eggs absorb the flavor of the stew.
  12. Your garden egg stew is ready.


After following the above steps, you will have a delicious and a nutritious garden eggs stew. Garden egg stew is an excellent meal for lunch or dinner and can be a great way to use up any leftover vegetables you may have available. It is best served with boiled yam and plantain.

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