Why Do You Love Me? Answers to Give When Asked

Falling in love is a very good thing when you are with the right person and for the right reasons. At a point in your relationship, you might be asked by your partner the reason why you love him or her.
At that point, the future of your relationship depends on the answer you give to your partner. If your answer is too sweet, your relationship will be strengthened but if your answer is weak, then it might cost you your relationship.
Most importantly, you do need to say exactly what I am going to recommend to you here. But, you should first of all be yourself and explain to your partner the main reason (s) why love him/her.
You need to go deep into your heart and think about the first day you saw your partner. Afterward, think about some of the reasons why you first of all said I love you to your partner.
In this article, I am going to recommend to you some of the best answers to give when asked the question, “Why Do You Love Me”?
Because you inspire me to be the best version of myself
Before we met, I was confused about who I was and what I wanted. But, meeting you was the turning point for me. Because ever since we’ve been together, you always give me a reason to be who I am, and you love me perfectly for that. I feel I am the best version of myself whenever we are together.
Because you love me for me
When we met, I was taught I would have to change from who I really am to someone else just to please you. But you taught me that, you love me for who I am and that alone. You never asked me to change my personality or my friends, you loved me for my personality.
I love you because of how you care for everyone
Finding someone as caring as you is very difficult and rare; you are one in a million. The way you care for everyone; your friends, strangers, and even the common person in the neighbourhood. You do not discriminate between poor or rich people, you love and care for everyone.
Below are the rest of the amazing ways of answering why do you love me:
- I love you because you are always there for me when I need you the most.
- I love you because you’re always going on an adventure with me.
- I love you because you do not care about my financial background.
- I love you because you always know the best food to cook at the right time.
- I love you because you are smart and talented.
- I love you because of your beautiful smile. Whenever I am sad and I look at your smile, I feel comforted and I want to see that smile every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to sleep.
- I love you because you are beautiful.
- I love you because you have everything I want in a woman.
- I love you because you are always loyal and truthful with me.
- I love you because you do the right thing at all times, even when you think no one is supporting you.
- I love you because you are selfless and always put people first.
- I love you because you are strong and always put your fears behind you.
- I love you because you always show up for me.
- I love you because you always smile at my stupid jokes, even when they are not funny.
- I love you because whenever I’m with you, I forget all my worries.
- I love you because you’re not afraid to argue with me when I’m going wrong about something.
- I love you because you are the only person who understands the broken parts of me.
- I love you because you’re a gem and I can never replace you with anyone.
- I love you because you are always grateful for the little things I do for you.
- I love you because you are always the first person to wish me on my birthday.
- I love you because you are not judgmental.
- I love you because understand my insecurities.
These among others are some of the best ways to answer the question “Why do you love me”? Although there is no perfect way to answer this question, the key point is honesty.
You should never say something just because you want to sound sweet to your partner. You should go deep into your heart and confess your reasons for loving him/her.
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This question is usually asked when your partner is going through some difficult challenges and they need you to show them some love.