What To Do If Your 2019 WASSCE Results Have Been Withheld

The West African Examinations Council on Monday announced that it has released the provisional results of school candidates who sat for the 2019 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).
Although statistics of this year’s results result show that there is a general improvement in the performance of candidates at A1-C6 in all the core subjects, the number of candidates whose results have been withheld has seen an over 70% increment over last year’s figure.
Last year, the results of 26,434 candidates were withheld but this year’s figures indicate an over 70% increase in examination malpractice.
Why WAEC Withhold Results
The Examination Council withholds the results of candidates who are suspected to have engaged in examination malpractice.
The offence of these candidates, according to WAEC include:
- Bringing foreign material such as prepared notes, printed material and mobile phones to the examination hall
- Collusion among candidates
- Planned cheating which occurred with the connivance of some supervisors and school authorities
The withheld results of candidates may be cancelled or released based on the outcome of the investigations
What to do if Your WASSCE Results have been Withheld
Knowing that your results have been withheld can be very stressful, especially when you believe that you did not engage in any form of examination malpractice.
What is worse is that you may not gain entry to university this year as the school you applied to as an awaiting student will not have access to your results.
What you should do at this point is not to fret but to be calm and trust that WAEC will conclude their investigation for your results will be released.
It is anticipated that the examination council will conclude their investigations before the end of August.
WAEC, in a statement, has said that candidates who will be found guilty of examination malpractice will have their results cancelled.