Things all BECE candidates should do & have before going to SHS

Preparing for high school is a major milestone for all BECE candidates. It’s the time to take on more responsibilities and start working towards your future goals. As exciting as it may be, the transition from elementary school to high school can also be stressful and overwhelming. To ensure a smooth transition, it’s important to know what you should be preparing before going to SHS.
In this article, we will discuss the essential things all BECE candidates should keep in mind to make the most out of their high school experience.
Things to prepare before going to SHS
1. Complete your JHS exit exams
It is important for BECE candidates to complete their Junior High School (JHS) exit exams before transitioning to Senior High School (SHS). Doing so will give you an advantage when it comes to applying for and being accepted into the school of your choice.
In Ghana, the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) is the standardized assessment that all JHS students are required to take in order to be eligible for progression to SHS. These exams provide a baseline measurement of each student’s academic performance and serve as a predictor of success at the SHS level.
2. Research your Senior High School options
When preparing to enter Senior High School, the first step is to research the different schools available to you. Consider the type of school you want, such as a public or private school, and decide which one offers the best educational opportunities for you. Research the school’s academic achievements and student success rates, as well as its extracurricular activities and clubs.
3. Familiarize yourself with the WASSCE curriculum
As a BECE candidate, it’s important to be familiar with the WASSCE curriculum that you will be following once you enter Senior High School. The West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is the main exam taken by students in Ghana, and other West African countries.
By familiarizing yourself with the WASSCE curriculum before you begin Senior High School, you can gain an understanding of the structure of the exam, giving you an advantage when it comes time to sit for your exams.
4. Consider extracurricular activities you might want to pursue
It is also important to remember that high school is an opportunity to explore your interests and try out different activities.
Take the time to research what kinds of extracurricular activities your Senior High School offers. Talk to current students or alumni about their experiences, and explore what options are available. If there’s something that you’ve always been interested in, such as music or sports, look into clubs or teams you could join. It’s also a great way to meet new people and make friends who share your passions.
5. Start practicing time management and study habits
Going to Senior High School is an exciting but sometimes overwhelming transition. One of the best things you can do to make sure you’re ready for the challenge is to start developing good time management and study habits now. This will give you the skills you need to stay on top of your workload and meet all your deadlines.
6. Get your financial affairs in order
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Going to senior high school can be an expensive endeavour, so it is important for BECE candidates to get their financial affairs in order before the transition. Make sure you are familiar with the tuition fees for your chosen school, as well as any other costs associated with attending such as books, uniforms, and supplies. You should also research any scholarships or bursaries you may qualify for, and look into any other forms of financial aid available to help cover costs.
Also, you should start creating a budget for yourself that includes necessary expenses such as food, transportation, and accommodation. With proper financial planning and budgeting, you can make sure that you have enough money to cover all your needs during your time at SHS.
7. Get ready for your high school journey
Here are a few tips that all BECE candidates should consider as they embark on their high school journey.
- It is important to ensure you are prepared academically. Make sure you have a good understanding of the WASSCE curriculum, and review any areas that you feel may need some extra work. Also, brushing up on any skills or topics you learned in JHS could also be beneficial. It’s also important to develop strong study habits and time management skills. This will help you stay organized and on top of your workload.
- It is also essential to research your high school options and make sure you find the one that best fits your academic and social needs. Start researching schools early on and visit the campuses if possible. If you’re unsure which extracurricular activities you want to pursue, talk to teachers and counselors about clubs, sports, and other activities you may be interested in.
- In addition to being prepared academically and socially, it’s also important to get your financial affairs in order. Start looking into scholarships and grants that you may be eligible for. Additionally, create a budget for yourself so that you know exactly how much money you have available for tuition and other expenses.
- Don’t forget to take care of yourself! Get plenty of rest, maintain a healthy diet, and practice stress management techniques. Being physically and mentally healthy will help you excel both academically and socially during your high school journey.
Final words
Preparing for Senior High School is an exciting time, full of potential and possibility. As a BECE candidate, following the above important things should make you ready to hit the ground running. All of these steps will help ensure that you’re ready to embark on your high school journey with confidence and excitement.