How to Take Care of your Kidney

The functions that those two bean-sized organs perform in your body are numerous, and they are located under your rib cage on both sides of your spine.

The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, excess water, and other impurities from your blood. It also regulates salt, pH, and potassium levels in your body and, very importantly, produces hormones that regulate blood pressure and control the production of red blood cells. It is also responsible for activating a form of vitamin D, which helps build bones.

When your kidneys are not healthy, your body cannot function properly, hence the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your kidneys. Below are sure tips and scientifically proven ways to keep your kidneys strong and healthy;

Control your blood sugar


It is essential to go for regular checkups to control your blood sugar because people with diabetes have a high chance of developing kidney damage.

When the body cells can’t use sugar (glucose) in the blood, it puts pressure on the kidneys to work harder than usual to filter out the blood.

If this goes on for a long time, the kidneys can damage. But if you frequently monitor your blood sugar levels, you will be doing your kidneys a favor, and if doctors notice any abnormalities, they will be able to treat them in time.

Drink a lot of water

Water is essential to our health. When you do not have enough water in your system, you are not only dehydrated, and you risk the chance of getting a damaged kidney.

Water helps clear sodium and toxins from your kidney and lowers your risk of chronic kidney disease.

You need eight glasses of water a day to live a healthy life but whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding are important factors to consider when planning your daily water intake.

OTC can damage your kidney

Regular and too much intake of Over Counter Medication can cause kidney damage because they tend to put pressure on it.

If you are having chronic pain in the head or any part of your body, you should talk to your doctor for him or prescribe a safe medication for you. Relying on Over Counter medication for headaches, chronic pain, and arthritis can risk your kidney’s health.

Stay active and maintain a healthy diet.

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Did you know that when you exercise regularly, you do not only burn calories and lose a considerable amount of weight, you can lower the risk of chronic kidney disease.

Since it is important to monitor your blood pressure to maintain a healthy kidney, when you exercise to boost your heart health, you will be able to regulate your blood pressure and maintain a healthy kidney.

Jogging, running, cycling, and brisk walking are suitable activities to keep healthy. Eating well is also a plus, and a diet low in sodium and processed meat is ideal for your kidney.

Have your kidneys tested

Some people are at a higher risk of kidney disease, and these people should go for regular kidney function tests.

People over 60 years, people with cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure or have a history. People who are obese and those who believe or suspect that they may have kidney damage should go for regular checkups because they are at a higher risk.

This test will help search for possible changes in the kidneys as early as possible and have it treated before the condition escalates.


It is established that kidney health is significant to body function. Maintaining a healthy diet, keeping active, and going for regular checkups will help one improve their kidney health.

Persons who may have donated or sold one of their kidneys will need to double the care they give to their kidneys because slight damage to them can be life-threatening.

Chronic kidney disease, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, and urinary tract infections are common kidney ailments. Chronic kidney disease is the deadliest.

Care after kidney damage is costly. Hence the saying prevention is better than cure.

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