How To Start A Poultry Farm in Ghana

Do you have plans of starting your own poultry farm in Ghana someday? Or are you ready to start a poultry farm in Ghana?

If your answer to any of the questions above is YES, then you are going to find this article very helpful. The reason being that, in this article, I am going to show you everything you need to know about how to start a poultry farm in Ghana.

The poultry farm business is one of the businesses that has been looked down upon for some time now. But in actuality, it is one of the most profitable and important business opportunities available in Ghana.

Have you ever thought of where you would have bought chicken and egg to prepare your food? All these food products are obtained from several poultry farms in the country.


But although the poultry farm business is very profitable, you need to put it at the back of your head that you are competing with other poultry farm businesses in the country.

As such, you need to be well informed and well enlightened before you enter the poultry farm business and in this article all that information will be given to you.

What Is A Poultry Farm?

A poultry farm is the type of animal husbandry that raises domesticated birds for commercial purposes mainly for their egg, meat, or both. Some of the birds that can be raised in a poultry farm include chicken, ducks, and turkey.

On average, over 60 billion chickens are killed for their consumption every year in the world. In the United States alone, over 95 million dozen eggs are consumed every year. Almost all of these eggs are being obtained from poultry farms.

Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Poultry Farm in Ghana

Before you venture into the poultry farm business, there are some important things you need to know. Most of these things if not taken care of, can go a long way to affect you in the future of your business.

First of all, you need to know that there are two (2) main types of birds that you can raise in your poultry farm. The first one is the layers (these birds are kept mainly for their eggs) and broilers (these are birds that are kept mainly for their meat).

Also, due to some of the challenges that you might face in the business, it is usually ideal for persons who are really into livestock to start a poultry farm.

The poultry farm business is not easy, you need to be really determined and focused and as time goes on, you will see the success.

How To Start A Poultry Farm in Ghana

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  1. Choose your poultry niche. (Egg production, meat production, chicken breeding, or poultry feed production).
  2. Depending on your niche, choose the type (s) of birds you want to focus on. (Domestic fowl, turkey, guinea fowl, duck, quail).
  3. Look for your start-up capital.
  4. Look for an ideal location to set up your poultry farm.
  5. Choose your preferred housing system for your birds. (This will be explained later).
  6. Next, you need to buy the birds, equipment, and appliances you need for your business.
  7. Buy the food for your birds.
  8. Market your poultry farm.

Equipment Needed To Set Up A Poultry Farm

  • Feeders
  • Drinkers
  • Perchers
  • Nests
  • Dust bin/waste disposal system
  • Cages and coops
  • Egg tray
  • Lights
  • Crates, etc.

Types Of Poultry Farm Housing Systems

Several housing systems can be used for a poultry farm. But in this article, I am going to show some of the three (3) most used systems.

Free-Range System

Under this system, the birds are allowed to roam around on their own on a piece of land. This type of housing system helps the birds to exercise whiles they are roaming.

But on the downside, the birds may be attacked by predators like snakes or other crawling insects. Also, the birds might fly away if the need be.

Deep Litter System

The deep litter system involves spreading wood shavings or sawdust on a concrete ground with the birds placed on the floor and the dust serving as a cushion for the birds.

On the downside, it is difficult to pick out sick birds if the number of birds is a lot. Also, when there is a disease, it spreads very faster.

Battery Cage System

With this system, metal cages are constructed inside a building to house the birds. The cages also contain water troughs as well as laying nests.

This housing system is the most effective housing system for a poultry farm. But on the negative side, the money required to start and manage this type of system is very expensive.

Challenges Of Starting A Poultry Farm in Ghana

Aside from the benefits of a poultry farm in Ghana, there are some challenges. Below are some of the challenges involved when starting a poultry farm in Ghana.

  • It is labour intensive.
  • The poultry farm business has a longer payback period.
  • Pests and some insects can cause some damages to your poultry farm.

Marketing Your Poultry Farm in Ghana

After establishing your poultry farm, you need to market it to reach customers in the country. Basically, you can start by creating a social media page for your poultry farm.

Afterward, you can run ads at a cheaper cost to get your business to the rest of Ghanaians. Also, you can use the traditional way of marketing it by telling people around you and also asking them to inform other people about you.

List Of Successful Poultry Farms in Ghana

In Ghana, some poultry farms have performed exceptionally well in the business. Here is a list of some of the successful poultry farms in Ghana:

  • Halaal farms
  • Afariwa farms
  • Bethel Farms Ghana Limited
  • MaxMab Farms Limited
  • Darko Farms
  • Miradam Farms
  • Instock Farms
  • Next Valley Farms


The poultry farm business is one of the best businesses in Ghana. Interestingly, the amount required to start a poultry farm in Ghana is very cheap, depending on the type of housing system.

If you have a little budget/start-up capital, then I will recommend that you start with the free-range system. Once your business picks up then you can go ahead with the other types of housing systems.

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