How to request for remarking of BECE results

Are you one of the thousands of students who sat for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and were not satisfied with their results? If so, you may be considering requesting for remarking of your BECE results.
Remarking is the process of having an official review your results. This process can be beneficial to those who feel their results do not accurately reflect their performance in the examination.
If you are considering requesting for remarking of your BECE results, there are several steps you will need to take. In this article, we will provide you with an overview of the process and provide you with the appropriate information you need to make your request.
How to request for remarking of BECE results
1. Understand the policies of WAEC
Before you request for remarking of your BECE results, it is important to understand the policies of WAEC. WAEC sets out specific rules and guidelines for the remarking process and it is important that you familiarize yourself with this information.
2. Gather the necessary information
Before you can make your request, you must have all of the necessary information available. This includes the details of your results, your examination number, the exam session and year, the subject(s) being requested for remarking and the reason for your request.
3. Fill out the application form
Once you have gathered all of the necessary information, you will need to fill out an application form for remarking. This form can be found on the WAEC website. You must complete the form in full and provide all the necessary information.
4. Submit your request
Once you have completed the application form, you can submit your request for remarking. You can do this either online or by post. In both cases, you will need to provide your full details, including your examination number, the exam session and year, the subject being requested for remarking, and the reason for your request.
5. Wait for the results
Once you have submitted your request, you will need to wait for the results to be released. This can take several weeks, so it is important to be patient.
Option 2
- You can directly visit WAEC office
- Explain your reason
- Provide a proof that you sat for the WAEC BECE exams.
- Fill out the form and pay a non refundable fee
- Your form will be reviewed and remarking will be done when necessary
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Option 3
If writing to WAEC does not bring any positive results, the best option left is for you to sit for NovDec BECE private exams. Sit for the papers you failed and get a good results to substitute.
Final words
By following the steps outlined above, you will be able to make a request for remarking of your BECE results. It is important to understand the rules and regulations of WAEC before making your request. It is important to note that remarking of results is not an automatic process. Your request will be reviewed by the WAEC officials and the outcome may take up to two weeks or more to get a positive outcome.