How to Join the NDC & Get Party Card

The social-democratic Party, NDC, is one of Ghana’s 2 biggest political parties. It welcomes new members every day to help with the pursuit of social democracy while creating opportunities for all to develop to their full potential.
The party says they ‘believe in Ghana’s future and whenever in government, strive to put Ghana on the road to real development.’ They welcome you to join them to do better than what you are witnessing now.
Before joining the National Democratic Congress, you need to meet specific requirements.
To join the National Democratic Congress in Ghana or anywhere globally, you will need to meet specific requirements. Look at them below;
- You are a citizen of Ghana who has attained the age of 18
- You accept the constitution, aims, objectives, policies, and programs
- You are accepted for membership by a branch of the party
- You accept the discipline and rules of conduct of the party
- You are ready to pay the subscription fee and annual dues as required
You are not a member of any other political party.
How to register NDC Membership Card
If you meet the requirements listed above, you can proceed to apply to join the party. Here’s how;
- A person wishing to join the party shall apply to a Branch by filling out a form. If you cannot visit a Branch, you can fill out the application online.
- At its next meeting, the Branch Executive shall accept or reject the application.
- Upon acceptance, the member will be issued a membership card.
- A subscription fee and annual dues as determined from time to time by the National Congress shall be payable by all members.
- No person shall qualify as a member of the party unless they are a member of a Branch.
- A member may resign their membership by formally notifying the Branch of which they are a member.
- The party has recently outlined steps on how you can easily acquire the party’s membership card ahead of its party-level electioneering activities set before the 2024 general elections.
- The membership card is not given at the party’s headquarters, nor can you get it at the regional secretariat. They are provided at the branch level, where members of the Party vote.
Once you are a party member, you can get a card. Follow the steps below;
- Get some money with you and visit the Branch where you vote during elections
- Look for the branch chairman of the branch secretary
- Tell them you are coming to register for the NDC membership card
- Go with your voters’ ID card
- After registration, your name will be entered into the branch register of the party, and you will be given your membership card.
Benefits of joining any political party, for that matter
Joining a political party has certain advantages, one of them being how it allows you to run for public office.
You start to become knowledgeable about politics, meet new people, and get some exposure when you make enough noise. You can also run for public office when you have the masses behind you.
And let us not forget how easier it is to vote when you are part of a political party. There are other monetary benefits also available to members.
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There is also the thing about networking. Even if you do not plan to be in politics for a long time, you can still meet people who can help you achieve any goal for yourself, the kind of people we call ‘protocols.’
Wherever you and your family want to get to, these people can help you. So while in the party, you have some power to go places where ordinary people can’t, it is politics, after all.
Some reasons why you should join the NDC
The party is bent on promoting participatory and responsible government in Ghana.
They aim to attain a political party through democratic and constitutional means to create conditions conducive to ensuring national development.
They ensure the equality and fraternity of all men and women under the law without regard to ethnicity, race, religious belief, ideology, culture, social or economic status.
They secure the right of each member of society to participate in decision-making openly and democratically while deferring to the majority interest without sacrificing minority rights.
The party ensures the establishment of the rule of law and the right of every citizen or law-abiding person in Ghana to pursue his affairs without unlawful interference and the light of all easy access and equal recourse to the courts.
These and many more are the aims and objectives of the opposition part and valid reasons why you should join the party. You can visit the party’s official website for more information and learn about their visions and the work they have done to support the citizens, among other things, on