How much is plane ticket from Ghana to Canada

Traveling from Ghana to Canada can be an exciting experience, but it can also be a costly one. Before you take off on your journey, you’ll want to know how much a plane ticket from Ghana to Canada will cost you. The cost of a plane ticket from Ghana to Canada will depend on several factors, such as the airline you choose, the time of year, and the type of ticket you purchase.

When searching for a flight from Ghana to Canada, the first thing to consider is the airline you choose. Major international airlines flying this route include Air Canada, British Airways, Delta, KLM, Lufthansa, and United.

Prices can vary wildly between airlines, so it’s important to compare prices before you book a ticket. It’s also worth keeping in mind that some airlines offer discounts for students, seniors, and members of certain loyalty programs.


The time of year can also affect the cost of your ticket. Generally speaking, flights from Ghana to Canada are more expensive during the peak season, which is during the summer months. You can often find better deals during the “shoulder season” (i.e., the spring and fall months) and during the “off-peak season” in winter. It’s also worth noting that flights tend to be most expensive during the time around major holidays, such as Christmas and New

Also, the type of ticket you purchase can have an impact on the cost of your flight from Ghana to Canada. If you’re traveling on a budget, you can purchase a basic economy ticket, which usually offers the lowest fares. However, if you want more flexibility, you may want to purchase a business or first-class ticket, which offer more amenities and a higher level of comfort.

How much is plane ticket from Ghana to Canada

On average, a round-trip ticket from Ghana to Canada can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,500. However, prices can vary significantly depending on the airline you choose, the time of year, and the type of ticket you purchase. Therefore, it’s important to compare prices before you book a ticket.

Flights from Ghana to cities in Canada with their lowest estimated prices

FlightsLowest Price
Accra to Vancouver$1591
Accra to Montreal$1232
Accra to Calgary$1621
Accra to Edmonton$2181
Accra to Winnipeg$1564
Accra to Halifax$4971
Accra to Regina, Saskatchewan$2173
Accra to Saskatoon$4914
Accra to Quebec$1614
Accra to St Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador$1408
Accra to Victoria, British Columbia$1710
Accra to Moncton$1677
Accra to Toronto$859
Accra to Ottawa$1353
Accra to London, Ontario$3890
Cotonou to Toronto$4533
Lome to Montreal$1038
Cotonou to Montreal$1228
Lome to Toronto$2248

How to get the best ticket prices from Ghana to Canada

  • Plan ahead and book your ticket in advance. This means you should purchase your ticket at least two to three weeks before your departure date. Booking early gives you the best chance of finding an affordable fare, as airlines tend to increase their ticket prices closer to the travel date.
  • Use flight comparison tools to compare ticket prices from different airlines. This allows you to get the best possible deal for your flight, so you can save some money for other expenses.
  • Take advantage of promotional fares and loyalty programs offered by different airlines. For example, some airlines offer discounted fares to frequent flyers or members of their loyalty program.


By doing some research and comparison shopping, you can find the best deals on plane tickets from Ghana to Canada. With a little planning and smart shopping, you can save money on your ticket and have some extra cash to enjoy your time in Canada.

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