How many hours from Accra to Takoradi by bus

If you’re planning a trip from Accra to Takoradi, you may be wondering how long it takes to travel the route by bus. The good news is that the journey is not that long and within some few hours, you will arrive at your destination.

Traveling by bus from Accra to Takoradi is a popular route, and is a great option to explore the beautiful scenery between the two cities. The journey takes approximately three to four hours, depending on the type of bus and weather conditions.

For this journey, there is a range of bus operators available and the type of bus you choose will determine the length of the journey. The most popular bus service is the Intercity STC, which runs a variety of buses from Accra to Takoradi. This service offers multiple trips throughout the day, so it’s important to check the time table before booking your ticket.


The journey itself is a great way to get to know the country, as you will get a great view of the countryside and the towns along the way. Depending on the type of bus you choose, you may be able to stop off at some of the stops along the way and take in the sights and sounds of the local people.

Traveling from Accra to Takoradi by bus

The first step of your journey will be to get to the Accra Central Bus Station. This is the main hub for long-distance bus travel in Accra, and most buses will stop here. You can also choose to go to Jeoun VIP Station or STC Intercity Station to get a ticket. It’s a good idea to arrive at the station an hour before your scheduled departure time to make sure you have a good spot on the bus.

From Accra Bus Station, you will take an Akosombo bus bound for Takoradi. These buses are spacious and comfortable, and the journey usually takes around four and a half hours, depending on traffic and road conditions. Once you arrive in Takoradi, you will be able to catch a taxi to your final destination. If you’re traveling within the city, you can even walk to your destination.

How many hours from Accra to Takoradi by bus

Accra is one of the Ghana city. It is located at the longitude of -0.212345 and latitude of 5.547655. Takoradi is a Ghana city located at the longitude of -1.772345 and latitude of 4.877655 . The total distance between Accra and Takoradi is 188 KM (kilometers) and 175.96 meters. The mile based measurement distance is 116.9 miles. Travel duration from Accra to Takoradi is around 3.76 Hours if your travel speed is 50 KM per Hour. The total driving time from Accra to Takoradi by bus is approximately 4 hours, 36 minutes.

Is there a direct bus between Accra and Takoradi?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Accra and arriving at Takoradi. Services depart three times a day, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 3h 30m.

What is the distance between Accra and Takoradi?

The distance between Accra and Takoradi is 188 km. The road distance is 220 km.

What is the cost of transportation from Accra to Takoradi

Transportation fare from Accra to Takoradi is around GHS 80 at the various bus stations.

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the journey from Accra to Takoradi takes approximately three to four hours, depending on the type of bus and the weather conditions. There is a range of bus operators available to choose from and the type of bus you choose will determine the length of the journey. The journey itself is comfortable and the scenery is beautiful, making it the perfect option to explore the country.

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