Best Way to Invest Money in Ghana

Investment is a good initiative. What is troubling is where or who to invest with, who can you trust? How long do you plan to invest? Placing a capital with expectations of deriving an income has its elements of risks but let us focus on the positives.
Why is it important to invest, and who can invest?
Anyone who is financially stable enough can invest. Investments secure you for the future. When you invest, you get your returns in the agreed period.
You can invest any amount you want at any time and get interest rates. Interests you can save up for the future. Investment is also a good way of amassing wealth and saving money as well.
Below are few ways you can invest your money and get interest on it.
Buy a treasury bill or bond
The Bank of Ghana introduced treasury bills. When you buy a treasury bill, you lend the Government of Ghana money, and they will pay with interest when the period ends. It can be for three months, six months, or a year.
Buying a treasury bill is one of the safest ways of investment. You can collect your interest the day you buy the treasury bill. Interests are calculated by subtracting the dealers’ pay for the treasury bill from the bill’s face value. Interest rates are published on the Bank of Ghana website.
Buying a treasury bill is risk-free and legitimate, and you can convert it to notes at any time. Citizens and foreign residents in Ghana and abroad can buy treasury bills. It is legitimate and easy to understand.
A good way to invest your money. You can buy treasury bills from the Bank of Ghana, Ghana Commercial Bank, Calbank, Consolidate Bank of Ghana, Fidelity, Stanbic Bank, Societe Generale Ghana, Zenith Bank, Ecobank, and more. Treasury bills are not taxed. There are 2 and 3 years treasury bonds as well.
Fixed Deposits
When you have an amount with a bank or any other financial institution, they pay you a fixed interest rate for 91 days, 182 days or a year. Most banks use the size of the deposit to determine the interest rate.
In short, these fixed deposits are the bank’s way of saying thank you for saving with them. It is a low to a medium-risk form of investment. It is easy to comprehend, and many people do it.
Interest rates differ from one institution to the other. In some cases, you are allowed to negotiate the interest.
It is calculated by multiplying the principal amount you deposited by the time and date divided by the number of days. (Principal amount× time× time× rate/365).
This is easy because we deposit money at the bank all the time, and how amazing it is that your bank pays you something small for saving with them.
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Set Up a Business or Invest in One
Become an entrepreneur, roll over your profits to expand your business to get even more interest. There are many business opportunities in Ghana nowadays.
You can set up a mobile money business. With as little as GHS 7,000, you can set up your own mobile money business and makeup to GHS 400 on interest at the end of the month. And that is not the only business you can invest in.
You can purchase goods wholesale and retail them. Invest in advertisement and marketing, online and the traditional method.
Conduct your business diligently and watch how much interest you can make from it. It is one good way of investing your money. It is safe enough, and you can manage your risks and build your business.
Buying a proportion of ownership is like investing in a companies future. You can buy part of a company or borrow money from the company.
That way, you get dividends and interests. It is a low to medium-risk investment and can be quite expensive. As stated above, whatever interest you make comes from the success of the company you are investing in.
There are many more ways you can invest your money, but what about their legitimacy? How risky is it? How sure are you that you will get your money back, should any mishap occur? Be wary of fraud and Ponzi schemes and always settle only for legitimate and safe mediums of investment.
HFC investment, Agricultural Development Bank, National Investment Bank, Databank Financial Services, Ghana Commercial Bank, First National, Stanbic Bank are a few of the many investment banks in the country.
You can visit any of them to discuss your options. Treasury bills and bonds, fixed deposits, mutual funds, and more. The choice is yours. Do enough inquiries to be sure of what you are getting into.
Be on the safe side. Invest in yourself and your future in the right way.