6 Months Short Pharmacy Courses you Can Apply For

Do you know there are six-month pharmacy courses you can take to attain a certificate, a certificate you can use to get a job at any accredited pharmacy? You will not need to go through four years in the university to make a living, it takes only 6 months.
Three months of theory and three months of practicals. There are two courses you can take. Medicine Counter Assistantship(MCA) and Pharma Marketing and salesmanship to gain knowledge in salesmanship, retail customer management.
The Pharma Marketing and salesmanship was introduced recently, MCA on the other hand has been in existence for quite some time now to train individuals in dispensary and assistantships among other things.
What are the requirements needed to read these courses? For Medicine Counter Assistantship, you will be required to present an ‘O’ Level(GCE) SSCE/ WASSCE certificate or it’s equivalents. There are many private accredited schools you can apply to, to read these courses.
If you reading prescriptions, selling medicine, and diagnosing patients, you are not very different from a doctor, that is why it is important to go to a good school that teaches and trains you to be a qualified pharmacy assistant.
Dimensions College, Pharmatrust Professional College, Entrance Pharmaceutical College, Phersons Health College are a few of many schools you can attend to take 6 months of pharmacy courses.
Perhaps you want to go straight to being a pharmacist. You can also acquire a degree from Central University, Ghana College of Pharmacists, University of Health, and Allied Sciences are also a few of the universities you can apply to.
Students are also taught;
1. Inventory management and stock taking
2. Concepts of hygiene
3. Good client relationship
4. Information and Technology (IT) fundamentals
5. Dispensing and posology
Normally, some schools assist you with hands-on training or practicals but if you do not get that kind of opportunity, you should apply for an internship at the nearest pharmacy in your vicinity, to learn more from your Pharmacist and superiors in the trade.
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Gaining income is not the advantage you can get from working in a pharmacy. You gain the needed experience plus, you are helping many sick people who are unable to go to the hospital, especially for minor medical conditions. You also get the opportunity to teach other people. Preferably, you can be able to further your education to even get a degree
Make inquiries from other counter assistants and enroll at the school of your choice at your own time.